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A close-up shot of the red flowers that grow in the vicinity of the Swanbank Power Station.


Our Governance


CleanCo was established as a government owned corporation (GOC) in December 2018 under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (Qld). CleanCo is incorporated as a public company registered under, and subject to, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Shares in CleanCo are held by two shareholding Ministers on behalf of the State of Queensland:

  • The Hon David Janetzki – Treasurer, Minister for Energy and Minister for Home Ownership
  • The Hon Rosslyn (Ros) Bates – Minister for Finance, Trade, Employment and Training

As a GOC, we are committed to acting in accordance with the highest ethical and governance standards. Our governance framework sets out how we conduct our business and fulfill our responsibilities and we are currently putting in place the policies and procedures required to establish best practice governance.

Corporate Governance Principles


The CleanCo Board is committed to the highest ethical and governance standards and to act in the best interests of its stakeholders.  CleanCo’s corporate governance approach is a critical foundation to success.

Our governance arrangements align with the Queensland Government’s Corporate Governance Guidelines for Government Owned Corporations (“the Guidelines”). We are committed to full implementation of the Guidelines and have incorporated recommendations appropriate to our organisational maturity.

Details of how CleanCo has adopted each of the principles outlined in the Guidelines in its corporate governance practices and policies is set out below.

The Board’s ultimate responsibility is the provision of leadership to protect the current value of CleanCo and create longer-term value. This is outlined in the Board Charter (PDF 237KB), which defines the roles and responsibilities of the Board and its Directors.

The Board has established three committees:

The CleanCo Board is comprised of seven independent, non-executive directors who have been appointed to the Board of CleanCo by the Governor-in-Council under the GOC act. The Board regularly assesses the independence of directors, and all actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interests are assessed and managed in accordance with our Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF 199KB).

The CleanCo Board Charter (PDF 232KB) requires the Board to conduct an annual self-evaluation of its performance and independent assessments are undertaken every three years. The results of the external independent Board evaluation will be provided to shareholding ministers.

CleanCo embodies the highest of standards of conduct and ethical behaviour and decision making through our employee culture and through the following policies applying to all Directors, officers, employees and contractors:

Code of Conduct (PDF 332KB).
Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF 199KB)
Whistleblower and Public Interest Disclosure and Protection Policy (PDF 397KB)
Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy (PDF 252KB)
Insider Trading Policy  

At CleanCo we have an external whistleblowing hotline and online service giving our stakeholders an opportunity to speak up about dishonesty, fraud, unsafe environments, unethical and other inappropriate behaviour or misconduct.

The whistleblowing hotline and online service details are:

    • 1300 790 228 – between 9am and 12am – recognised business days AEST

CleanCo has a number of formal and rigorous processes that independently verify and safeguard the integrity of our financial reporting. Appropriate systems and controls as required by the GOC Act, Corporations Act, Financial Accountability Act 2009 (Qld) and current best-practice are in place. CleanCo’s auditor is the Auditor General of Queensland and we have an Audit and Risk Committee with a minimum of three Board Directors as committee members.

We have established a series of arrangements to provide briefings and updates to our shareholding Ministers when required or requested, to ensure they are informed about our operations, financial performance and financial position. Further information on reports released by CleanCo can be found under Principle 6.

CleanCo provides regular reports to our shareholding Ministers to keep them informed about our business strategy, goals and performance.

These include:

  • A Corporate Plan for the next five years
  • A statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) outlining goals and objectives for the next financial year
  • Quarterly reports on our progress towards meeting the goals and objectives in the SCI
  • An Annual Report detailing our performance for the financial year and progress in meeting goals in both the SCI and Corporate Plan

CleanCo is subject to the GOC Release of Information Arrangements. Our Right to Information and Release of Information Policy will demonstrate our compliance with these arrangements.

CleanCo acknowledges that effective and appropriate risk management is a key element of building and protecting values, achieving CleanCo’s long term goals and objectives, and supporting good corporate governance.

CleanCo’s Risk Management Framework is aligned with ISO 31000:2018 and provides for the management of risk in a structured and consistent manner which integrates into all aspects of organisational activities. The Risk Management Framework is overseen by the Board Audit and Risk Committee which is responsible for reviewing and monitoring CleanCo’s management of risk in accordance with the Risk Management Framework. This includes quarterly reporting on risk performance, conformance with the Risk Appetite Statement set by the Board and gaining assurance annually that the Risk Management Framework is implemented, effective and subject to review and continual improvement. As part of this process, CleanCo’s management reports to the Board around any identified risks, the effectiveness of the risk management measures and recommendations for improvements.

CleanCo meets requirements for public accountability while satisfying the need to attract and retain high quality employees from competitive labour markets. Directors receive fees as determined by the Governor-in-Council and do not receive performance-based remuneration.

When increasing senior executive remuneration, or awarding performance incentive payments, the Board complies with the Queensland Government’s Policy for Government Owned Corporations Chief and Senior Executive Employment Arrangements – 31 July 2024