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Dam Notice

CleanCo CEO smiling as he meets the community at the opening of the Dulacca Wind Farm. He is standing behind community members as they shake hands.


Doing business with CleanCo


CleanCo Queensland’s procurement framework and associated procedures are designed to align with and satisfy the Queensland Government’s Queensland Procurement Policy.

In line with our mandate to facilitate the creation of new investment and jobs in regional Queensland, we encourage and support local industries and small businesses to join us as suppliers. Where possible, we seek to engage with suppliers who align with our economic, environmental and social aspirations.

CleanCo uses the VendorPanel portal to identify suppliers. Businesses seeking opportunities to provide goods or services to CleanCo are encouraged to Register on VendorPanel. Registration requires potential suppliers to provide contact and basic company information.

For more information on how you can work with us, please contact us below.

Current tenders and expressions of interest


We use QTenders to invite expressions of interest and tenders.

Open tenders are listed below.

Ref NumberTitleTypeRelease DateClosing Date

Information for potential development partners


In line with our mandate, CleanCo is focused on pursuing opportunities that will support the energy transition in Queensland and facilitate jobs and economic growth in regional Queensland.

In addition to integrating competitively priced renewable energy into the grid in a reliable way, we are supporting flagship, low-emissions industrial precincts where our globally competitive clean energy attracts traditional and emerging industries to stay or grow in Queensland. Because we are focused on improving energy affordability for Queensland today, we are interested in technologies that have been proven at commercial scale.

If your project aligns with these strategic objective and has reached the stage of pricing an offtake, we would be happy to discuss your proposal with you.

Please send your contact details and a detailed overview of your proposal to If your proposal is in line with CleanCo’s commercial strategy and broader objectives, a member of the Development Team will be in contact.